Wow, crazy day today. I woke up and had breakfast then decided to try and go to Rikhi Ram music store and then sight seeing. Well, plans didn't exactly go as I thought they would, but I had loads of adventures. Wanted to hit and ATM before I hit Rikhi Ram so I started going in the direction where I found one the first night I was there, could not see it anywhere, but soon enough I was stopped by two nice guys who were intrigued and asked where I came from. They asked if I would like to have some chai with them and talk... Ok, I figured this would be promising. They led me down a few alleys, which were just as crammed with shops as the main road, and into a small room with 2 beds on the floor and a few seats. I talked to the one man for a while about Indian music and he told me he plays sitar and told me about his guru who is now deceased. The other guy played tablas himself and we chatted for a bit, then he left to get chai. Somehow the subject of ipods came up and I told him I had one and let him listen to a few songs. He said he loved Bob Marley so I put some on for him. He was grooving and trying to talk over the music very loudly. Kinda funny. After a long time, the second guy, Raj, returned with a pitcher of chai and some cups. Really delicious tea, me first taste since I have been in India. Then another man came in and we started to talk about religion, and I told him that I was learning a lot from Hinduism. He took the time to answer some of my questions and spoke of invisible energy in the human body, chakras, elements, auras, and some other things. All interesting stuff. We agreed that the only real important truth is love. He expounded on this saying that in India there are three types of love, mind to mind, body to body, and soul to soul, and that in a wife, you want all three. He told me he had studied in Rishikesh for years and his guru taught him how to read auras and that mine was blue. He also told me some other things about my life that were actually very close to the truth, and I was fascinated. He wanted to perform a ceremony and give me a sapphire pendant to wear around my neck which would help open up my throat chakra. ok... unfortunately I would have to pay for this sapphire which he could not afford to give to me at no cost. No dice, but the idea was intriguing. I did not doubt his sincerity and he did not push, he led me out and back down a road that would lead to where I was going and told be to enjoy India. All in all, great fun.

This is where it gets interesting. I ate lunch on a rooftop restaurant overlooking the streets, and soon enough, I heard lots of drumming and soon saw what looked like a parade precession with cows pulling them along coming down the road, which did not stop traffic at all. Apparently it is festival season. A whole marching band came through next, and it was entertaining to say the least, as the whole road was covered in flower pedals by the end of it.

So when I was walking down the steps out to the street from the restaurant, a woman puts her hands on me and says to follow her, I say I am just leaving, then next thing I know she lays a kiss on me. That's when I knew to get the hell out of there. After being solicited by a this woman, prostitute or whatever she was, I needed to get back to my room and digest what had just happened. A little freaked out by the whole thing. Then suddenly a man in a turban came out of no where and said that I have a good heart but my mind is cluttered. He was some sort of fortune teller and did a few weird tricks, asking me to put a crumbled paper in my hand then asking me to pick a color. Orange I said, sure enough, orange is written on the paper... Then he said that my father's name has 6 letters in it, counting in my head I realized that he was right. Ummm, ok. He took me aside into this little sitting area and presided to tell me all kinds of things that were just blowing my mind. I came to India to see and to learn he said, and I am searching for freedom. I am a great teacher but am not using this gift. All this was pretty heavy for me. He told me I was very holy in a past life and that I am influenced by the planet Saturn in a negative way. Funny, the other guy with the sapphires had just told me this. He then said I have three problems and that if I paid him he would tell me. Knowledge comes at a price. I gave him around hundred rupees but could not give more. I am still wondering what these problems are. Who knows how reliable this all was but was kind of uncanny, especially with the name thing. Ok, so now I had to get back and digest everything, My mind was blown. What just happened? I was just trying to find an ATM to begin with, which never happened.

Took a few minutes to collect myself than took a rickshaw to Akshardim Temple. It is actually quite new, not really old as I said earlier. My fault. But amazing place. Had to wait in line a bit, which reminds me. I have realized that there is no such thing as a single file line in India. It is more of a mob, and people get in front of you left and right if you are not aggressive. Funny. Temple had beautiful intricate carvings on the walls everywhere. Pools, and fountains, and green lawns and gardens. Awesome. Unfortunately no pictures were allowed. Met two girls there, one American, Erin, and one German, Marie, who I walked around with for a bit. Then we took the metro back to Pahar Ganj. Had dinner down the street at a really nice place, and a little more expensive. It was recommended in the guidebook for good reason. Now I have returned to my safe haven for one more night and am really excited and glad to get out of Delhi and head to Vrindavan. Hope the train ride goes smoothly and I am sure there will be much to tell about it. Might be a few days.
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