gate to Radha Raman |
I decided to wake up early the next morning and check out the early morning rituals. Around 530 I headed down to the river again and felt like I was transported into a far off time in the past. Many holy men in rags chanting and sitting with their bowls to receive offerings. On the ghats by the river, there were boats that were taking people over to the other side to bathe. I saw a man dunking his whole body in to the river a number of times and a boy gave me a little bowl shaped leaf filled with flowers and lit with incense. I sent it into the river and watched it float downstream. A woman stopped me and put red paint on my forehead in a straight line with her hands. Then yellow paint on my neck. She expected rupees of course which I forked up. Then I sat on a huge platform overlooking the Yamuna for a bit. Really incredible place at that time of day. Some kids came over and kept asking for rupees and would not leave me alone which was a buzz kill, it got really annoying after a while. After this I went in one of the temples around the river for a small time, then went back and took a nap in my room. By the way, I could not find any reliable sources of food in the area I was staying in so I thought it better not to eat. I just had some snacks that I had brought from home and water. I figured since I was in holy place, I would fast a bit and avoid getting sick. There were a lot of really dirty looking places selling all kinds of things, water bottles that were filled with unclean water, and so on. Did not trust it. I went back to Iskon the next day after paying the guesthouse and thanking them. Finally found a meal at a big upscalish hotel in that area which was great. Then headed to Agra by train. The trains are really cool, the windows are opened and you get a great breeze and view of the Indian country. people live everywhere along the tracks, some in some really interestingly made shelters. I started feeling pity and sadness for the first time here at the train station, seeing how poor some of the people are. One person could not walk and just hobbled around on the ground using his hands. It was so sad, I gave him two bananas, and watched as another man carried him across the tracks to the other side. There are also lots of street children who are dirty as hell and beg for money. My heart felt heavy for them. It is really difficult and it is everywhere. India is right in your face. I saw a little girl with deep eyes like I have never seen before. She looked like she had seen too much, and was far older than her age. I couldn't stop looking at her eyes. Something was beautiful about her though.
view from hotel |
Vrindavan was an awesome stop, and a real look into Indian religious life. People would look at me as I passed and say hare Krishna, their devotion was amazing, even though they have so little. Tomorow I go to Orccha to stay with an Indian family. Have no idea what it will be like but am very excited. Another unforgettable experience awaits. Traveling is eye opening and such a thrill. I doubt I will have internet in this little town but will get back as soon as I can.